
RegistryKeyregistryKey=Registry.LocalMachine.CreateSubKey(@SOFTWARE-RegistryKeyTest);stringvalue=registryKey.GetValue(Path)?.ToString();.刪除:,TheSetValuemethodopensaregistrykey,setsthevalue,andclosesthekeyeachtimeitiscalled.Ifyouneedtomodifyalargenumberofvalues,the ...,usingSystem;usingMicrosoft.Win32;publicclassExamplepublicstaticvoidMain()//Thenameofthekeymustincludeavalidroot.conststringu...

[C#] Registrykey 登錄機碼的新增、修改、刪除、讀取

RegistryKey registryKey = Registry.LocalMachine.CreateSubKey(@SOFTWARE-RegistryKeyTest); string value = registryKey.GetValue(Path)?.ToString();. 刪除:

Registry.SetValue Method (Microsoft.Win32)

The SetValue method opens a registry key, sets the value, and closes the key each time it is called. If you need to modify a large number of values, the ...

Registry.SetValue 方法(Microsoft.Win32)

using System; using Microsoft.Win32; public class Example public static void Main() // The name of the key must include a valid root. const string userRoot ...

Registry.SetValue not working for x86

2016年7月17日 — I want to edit a specific value (type REG_SZ ) in the registry for both, x64 and x86, but the SetValue method does not change the value for x86.

2016年6月4日 — CreateSubKey(TestKey) My.Computer.Registry.SetValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE-TestKey, MyTestKeyValue, This is a test value.).

VB.NET 2005 編寫登錄機碼(Registry)資訊

2010年2月24日 — My.Computer.Registry.SetValue(HKEY_CURRENT_USER-ApMyTestKey, MyTestKeyValue, This is a test value.) '判斷登錄機碼是否存在 ...

Working with Windows Registry

2022年5月5日 — Retrieves an array of strings that contains all the value names associated with this key. OpenSubKey, Opens a subkey. SetValue, Sets the ...

Registry.GetValue Examples

Gets the data in the updatePath value found in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE-Software-My Application and stores it in a variable called reg_data. Example 2. -- Set ...


2017年5月14日 — Hello everyone. I am here to ask about some code I am trying to use to change or add registry values to Windows, specifically Windows 10.


2018年10月4日 — My.Computer.Registry.SetValue _ (HKEY_CURRENT_USER-Software-Microsoft-Office-15.0-Common-General, DisableBootToOfficeStart, 00000001 ...